Wednesday, December 3, 2008


As complicated as life could get, boredom took over. Yet I'm sitting staring at the same screen.
i didn't realize how my life couldn't get any better. i was hoping for a sign, any sign and yet i'm still sitting here waiting and waiting.

It's Time of month and i was trying to go through my day without struggling to keep my self up. obviously if you were there to observe me, i failed and i still manage to survive some how. Talking to the customer as a daily routine gets you insane. i had to cure this insanity by taking up 2 hrs of my work time napping in sick bay.

not a care and sympathy to my customer, i simply ignore that fact that they were people who is in need of a satisfying service. Dodgy as i am and will always be, are the only way to get through the day without making a fool, cause in the end there's no extra credit for hard work. i simply ignore the rules and make my own.

"if u can imagine it , u can achieve it , if u can dream it , u can become it"
those words are such inspirational and inspired to do much more. those words belongs to a friend who told me and i ask my self "if only life wasn't as complicated." wish for a split second that life would turn around but i sit here on my bed, still waiting and waiting.

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